Possible Positive Biological Effects of Changes in Social Rules Upon Whites

In recent times, many individuals in certain societies have striven to equalize people. Such efforts are currently present in much of the white world and are detrimental in many ways to white identities, cultures, societies, and, biologically, to the white race. However, given certain conditions, this situation could have some important positive biological effects upon the white race.

The certain conditions referred to above are -

  • That the strivings being conducted by some to equalize people not involve violence - so that many people seen as making this equalization unworkable, including many of the most adequate people, are killed, as was the case, for example, in the early Soviet Union - and
  • That the equalization effort be made up of only in changes in rules, as is pretty much the case at present.

The rule changes referred to above involve -

  • A reduced emphasis upon or an elimination of a portion of the rules in a society so that individuals feel freer to do as they prefer and
  • The establishment of new rules so that what is acceptable and unacceptable under the new rules is different than what was acceptable and unacceptable under the previous rules.

(Note incidentally that the above two processes can go together in the initial stages of changes in social rules, but as the new rules increasingly supplant the previous rules, those who are advocates of the social form being sought through these changes will reject a de-emphasis upon the newly prevailing rules.)

At any rate, given the above stated conditions, a few possible positive biological effects upon whites in these circumstances will be offered.



  • A - Appreciation for, attraction to, attachment to, fondness for the white race by whites. The degree of A is largely determined genetically.
  • Outside-mating - Engaging in miscegenation.
  • Inside-mating - Mating within ones race.
  • G - Generation

Condition 1 - Rules preventing white outside-mating de-emphasized or eliminated so whites feel free to mate with whomever they please.

Results -


  • Whites who outside-mate tend to have a lesser degree of A than whites who inside-mate.
  • Whites who inside-mate tend to have a greater degree of A than whites who outside-mate.
  • Inside-mating whites will be those who continue the race.


  • The offspring of the inside-mating whites will tend to have a higher degree of A than was generally the case in G1.
  • Some of these offspring will outside-mate, but a lesser percentage than out-mated previously.
  • Inside-mating whites will continue the race.


  • The offspring of the G2 inside-mating whites will tend to have a higher degree of A than was generally the case in G2.
  • Some of these offspring will outside-mate, but a lesser percentage than out-mated in G2.
  • Inside mating whites will continue the race.

And so on to G?

  • The offspring of the previous inside-mating whites will tend to have a higher degree of A than was generally the case in the generation before.
  • None of these offspring will outside-mate.
  • These whites will continue the race.

Condition 2 - New rules encourage or prescribe white out-mating. (This can go along with the previous condition.)

Results - The results would be the same except that the extent of white out-mating in each generation would be increased so that the point at which there were little or no white out-mating would probably be reached in fewer generations. The more stringent were the rules encouraging or prescribing white out-mating (but remembering that physical violence would be not be threatened or used to enforce these rules, only social censure) and the more were the rewards promised to whites for complying with these rules, then the extent of white out-mating would be increased still further in each generation so that the point at which little or no white out-mating were reached would probably be in still fewer generations.


Remaining Single

Note that the process discussed in this section applies to all people, not just whites.

Condition - Rules prescribing marriage and children are de-emphasized or eliminated so that people feel freer to remain single and/or childless. Possibly going along with the de-emphasis upon these rules is the establishment of new rules encouraging people to remain single and/or childless and perhaps prescribing this. These factors - de-emphasis and new rules - might bring about circumstances in which remaining single and/or childless would be viewed as being more rewarding and entertaining, and in which having a family might be viewed as inconvenient and as a hinderance.

Results - The pattern would be the same as that presented in the fore-going section. Individuals with a greater degree of those traits that would cause them to be happy in certain intimate relationships and/or a happy (and a good) parent would tend to have families. Individuals with a greater degree of those traits that would cause them to be unhappy in certain intimate relationships and/or an unhappy (and a bad) parent would tend not to have families. So, in succeeding generations, the traits that would make individuals happy in procreation would increase and the traits that would make individuals unhappy in procreation would decrease.

The conditions given above would allow those who -

  • Did not want to be parents,
  • Possessed little or no sexual desire,
  • Had negative attitudes toward sexual activity,
  • Were homosexual,
  • Wanted to devote their time to other interests,
  • Disliked the opposite sex, or
  • Did not want family responsibility

To remain single and/or childless and still be fully accepted socially.

Those born under the conditions being assumed here would tend to, and, in succeeding generations, increasingly tend to -

  • Be good parents,
  • Want sex,
  • Have positive attitudes toward sex,
  • Be heterosexual,
  • Be willing to take responsibility, and
  • Like the opposite sex.

Less Confining Procreational Means

The process of de-emphasizing and eliminating rules could effect the rules of marriage. While traditional marriage would continue, this process might allow other procreational forms also to come into being that were less confining and restrictive. This, in turn, could give rise to individuals who were inherently more flexible.


Present efforts to equalize people in white societies involve rule changes that entail de-emphasizing or eliminating certain rules and establishing new rules to supplant previous rules. While much concern has been expressed about this, and rightly so, these efforts may have some positive biological effects.

Circumstances allowing and inducing whites to engage in miscegenation - and so basically, to exit their race - will lead many to do so. Those who do so will tend to have a lower degree of appreciation for, attraction to, attachment to, and fondness for their race. Those who have a greater degree of appreciation for, etc. their race will tend not to exit the race. And these will be the whites who will parent the next generation of whites. Their children will have an inherently greater appreciation for, etc. their race, and fewer of them will exit the race. This process could continue until whites have an inherent degree of appreciation for, attraction to, attachment to, and fondness for their race so that few, if any, mate outside the white race.

The processes discussed in the section 'Other Procreational Factors' would effect people irregardless of race. However, since efforts to equalize people are conducted in white societies, then the positive biological effects of these efforts following from changes in social rules and as noted in that section would accrue primarily to whites.


