As behavioral, attitudinal, emotional, and phyiscal differences between people making up a group in which individuals have regular contact with one another and which can range in size from a small group to an entire society increases, then the negative effects that those making up this group have upon one another increases. What certain individuals express, embody, make manifest, etc. will, as differences increase, conflict or even be anathema to what others prefer, believe in, and value, causing ill-will. So, as differences between people in the group and the resultant negative effects increase, individuals become more hostile toward and less fond of others in the group. Social unity declines, and the group fragments. In contrast to the above, as behavioral, attitudinal, emotional, and physicial differences between people making up a group in which individuals have regular contact with one another and which can range in size from a small group to an entire society decreases, then the negative effects that those making up this group have upon one another decreases. In this case, what certain individuals express, embody, make manifest, etc. will, as differences decrease, be consistent with what others prefer, believe in, and value, causing good-will. So, as differences between people in the group and the resultant negative effects decrease and positive effects increase, individuals become more fond of others in the group. Social unity increases. In a situation characterized by increasing differences among those making up a group, certain individuals of the group will be increasingly seen by others of the group as disrespectful of, hostile toward, causing the undermining of, and, perhaps, as seeking and striving for the destruction of those things, or many of those things, that these others prefer, value, believe, consider significant, and love. A group in which individuals respond to one another in such a manner cannot long exist as a group. |