Social Unity

Societies are largely based upon the degree to which people identify with one another - that is, the degree to which they feel a sameness as, a connectedness to, and a commonality with one another. This strength of identity is determined by -

  • The physical similarity of people in a group,
  • The emotional similarity of people in a group, and
  • The similarity of identity and culture in a group - that is, similarity in views, likes, dislikes, heroes, stories, traditions, clothing, history, principles, music, ways of doing things, beliefs, etc.

The more similar individuals are in these regards, the more strongly will they identify with one another. The more strongly they identify with one another, the more fond they will be of one another. And the more fond they are one another, the more pronounced will be the social unity among them.

Conversely, the less similar are individuals in these regards, the less strongly will they identify with one another. The less strongly they identify with one another, the less fond will they be of one another.

And the less fond they are of one another, the less pronounced will be the social unity among them.

In a society in which there were a high degree of unity, there would be -

  • Little conflict;
  • People would work well together;
  • There would be a relatively high degree of concern for the welfare of the others in that society;
  • There would be a relatively high degreee of concern for the society as a whole; and
  • In general, happiness would be relatively high.

In a society in which there were a low degree of unity, there would be -

  • Considerable conflict;
  • People would not work well together;
  • There would be a relatively low degree of concern for the welfare of others in that society;
  • There would be a relatively low degree of concern for the society as a whole; and
  • In general, happiness would be at a relatively low ebb.

The degree of a sense of similarity among those of a society is very important in determining the degree of fondness that those of the society have for one another and, so, the unity of the society.


